Diversion & Restorative Justice Program

The Problem

The Nigerian criminal justice system unfairly impacts the economically vulnerable – the poor, causing widespread rights violations from law enforcement to imprisonment. This systemic injustice contributes to a surge in awaiting trial syndrome, overcrowded prisons and backlog of cases as many of those affected are usually unable to afford the 3 B’S – Bail, bribe and Barrister.

The Solution

We co-design and implement state-driven reforms within to control the influx into the criminal justice system, focusing on policy influencing, restorative justice, promoting alternatives to imprisonment and enhancing rapid access to justice by utilizing technology.


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Justice stakeholders engaged
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Pretrial Detainees represented
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Correctional Facilities Engaged
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Ongoing Projects

  • Police Duty Solicitor Scheme in FCT
  • Reforming Criminal Justice Delivery in Edo State
  • Accelerating Justice Reforms in Nigeria (Across 7 states)
  • CyberSafe Future
  • Promoting Alternatives to Incarceration  in FCT
  • Poverty is not a Crime: Advocacy on Decriminalisation of Petty Offences
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